- Journal of Nephrology & Therapeutics - Differentiating Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors from Live Biotherapeutic Products (Probiotics) as Novel Therapeutic Intervention to Slow CKD Progression. VIEW (PDF)
- Journal of Nephrology & Therapeutics - The Role of Dietary Fiber and Gut Microbiome Modulation in Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease. VIEW (PDF)
- Harvard Symposium 2018 Poster - Probiotic Supplements prevented Oxonic acid-induced Hyperuricemia and Renal Damage. VIEW (PDF)
- ASN 2017 Poster - Possible Improvements in GFR of CKD Patients with Renadyl™-3rd Biennial Survey. VIEW (PDF)
- WCN 2017 0450 Poster - Possible Pathways of Gut Microbiome Modulation by Probiotics in Chronic Kidney Disease. VIEW (PDF)
- WCN 2017 0453 Poster - Evaluaf-tion of the Effect of Two Mixes of Prebiotic Fibers in the Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME®). VIEW (PDF)
- Commentary: Concept and potential of Enteric Dialysis-Treating the cause not the symptom. VIEW (PDF)
- Poster: Probiotics for CKD. The Renadyl™ story. VIEW (PDF)
- Poster: Enteric Dialysis-Stabilization of the Gut Microbiome using Probiotics and Prebiotics (Gut-Kidney connection). VIEW (PDF)
- Randomized controlled trial of Renadyl™ in Dialysis patients. VIEW (PDF)
- Review of Health status and level of satisfaction of customers with CKD using Renadyl™. VIEW (PDF)
- Poster: Probiotics for CKD. The Renadyl™ story. Harvard Medical School.VIEW (PDF)
- Poster: Probiotics for CKD. The Renadyl™ store ( Microbiome/Microbiome R&D and Business Collaboration Forum, Oct 2014 )VIEW (PDF)
- Poster: Probiotics for CKD. The Renadyl™ store (The NewYork Academy of Sciences Dec 2014 ) VIEW (PDF)
- Dose Escalation, Safety and Impact of Renadyl™_CKD-III-IV. VIEW (PDF)
- Poster:Dose escalation, safety and impact of Renadyl™ on CKD 3 and 4 patients-Preliminary outcomes. VIEW (PDF)
- Poster:Dose escalation, safety and impact of Renadyl™ on CKD 3 and 4 patients. VIEW (PDF)
- Poster:Effect of Renadyl™ on NF-kB levels in hemodialysis patients. VIEW (PDF)
- Poster:Effect of Renadyl™ on sCD30 levels in hemodialysis patients. VIEW (PDF)
- Poster:Effect of Renadyl™ on uremic toxins in hemodialysis patient. VIEW (PDF)
- Probiotics, Prebiotics and Synbiotics: Gut and Beyond VIEW (PDF)
- Open-Label Dose Escalation Study of Kibow® Biotics (Renadyl™) in Chronic Kidney Failure Stage III and IV Patients at Thomas Jefferson University began in May 2011 and completed on December 2012. VIEW (PDF)
- Double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled, cross-over study of Kibow® Biotics in Chronic Kidney Failure Patients on Dialysis (Renadyl™) at SUNY-Downstate Medical Center began in April 2011 and completed on December 2012. VIEW
Two clinical trials have been initiated:
- Poster: Probiotic Dietary Supplementation in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients (CKD III and IV) - Preliminary Observations and Combined Data Analysis of a 6-month Pilot Scale, Randomized, Double Blind and Crossover Study Design in Argentina, Canada, Nigeria and USA. VIEW (PDF)
- Poster: Kibow®’s Pathway Through a Drug Like Validation for a Probiotic Dietary Supplement Targeted for Helping Maintain a Healthy Kidney Function VIEW (PDF)
- Poster: Case Study of a Patient with Juvenile Diabetes and Nephropathy using a Probiotics as a Dietary Supplement for a Continuous Three Year Period VIEW (PDF)
- Poster: Dietary Supplementation with Probiotic Formulation (Kibow® Biotics) on CKD III and IV patients – a Short Term Pilot Scale Study in Canada. VIEW (PDF)
- Editorial: "Can the bowel substitute for the kidney in advanced renal failure? VIEW
- Probiotic dietary supplementation in patients with stage 3 and 4 chronic kidney disease: a 6-month pilot scale trial in Canada. VIEW
- Poster: Probiotics for Kidney health – Gut Based Uremic Toxin Removal – “Enteric Dialysis™” VIEW (PDF)
- Enteric Dialysis™ - Brief introduction and its potential for CKD applications. VIEW
- Development of Room Temperature Stable Probiotics for CKD Applications. VIEW (PDF)
- Pilot Scale Human Clinical Trials with a Scientifically Validated Probiotic Formulation - Kibow® Biotics- With CKD Stage III and IV Patients (Mid-term and partial data analysis from Canada). VIEW (PDF)
- Oral ingestion of probiotics and fecal analysis in CKD III and IV patients - Preliminary observations. VIEW (PDF)
- Progress in devising a bowel based probiotic therapy for uremia. VIEW (PDF)
- In Vitro and In Vivo Assessment of Intraintestinal Bacteriotherapy in Chronic Kidney Disease. VIEW (PDF)
- Effect of feeding Kibow® Biotics to cats and dogs in kidney failure. VIEW (PDF)
- Preliminary clinical evaluation of Kibow® Biotics, a probiotic agent, on feline azotemia. VIEW (PDF)
- Are Clinical Trials Warranted for a Dietary Supplement with Probiotics? VIEW
- Initial Safety Studies of a Probiotic for Renal Insufficiency. VIEW
- Probiotics reduces Azotemia in Gottingen Minipigs VIEW
- Probiotic Amelioration of Azotemia in 5/6th Nephrectomized Sprague-Dawley Rats VIEW (PDF)
- Short term effect of temperature on Kibow® Biotics VIEW
- Evaluation of Commercial Probiotic Products for Azotemia VIEW
- An introduction to Probiotics and its potential in Clinical applications. VIEW
- Comparative microbial viability analysis in two delivery formats-Gel caps or mixed with food/diet. VIEW
- Gut-Based Uremia Therapy: In vitro R&D Investigations of an Oral Probiotic Microbial Formulation with the Aid of a Simulated Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME) Biochemical Reactor. VIEW
- Gut-Based Uremia Therapy: Oral Bacteriotherapy Effectively Reduces Severity of Azotemia in 5/6th Nephrectomized Mini Pigs. VIEW
- Gut based Uremia therapy: Continued in vitro and in vivo R&D investigations on the application of oral probiotic bacteriotherapy towards Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients. VIEW
- Significance of dosage for effective clinical application of probiotics. VIEW
- Mode of Delivery and Dosage are important factors for Uremia Therapy with Probiotics VIEW
- Probiotic Formulation in vitro effect on Phenol and p-Cresol levels VIEW
- Initial Trial of Probiotic Bacteria as Therapy for Uremia in Dogs. VIEW
- Kibow® Biotics is preferred and superior to yogurt for uremia applications VIEW
- Model of Chronic Renal Failure in Miniature Pigs VIEW
- Oral Probiotic treatment for Uremia in a Porcine Model of Chronic Renal Failure VIEW
- Substitution of the kidney function by the bowel in Azotemia VIEW
- Artificial Swallowable Kidney Formulation VIEW
- Oral Bacteriotherapy Effectively Reduces Severity of Azotemia in 5/6th Nephrectomized Rats VIEW
- Streptococcus thermophilus KB19 is a Potential component of a Probiotic Regimen Applicable in Enteric Dialysis for Uremia VIEW
- Rate of Urea Hydrolysis by Streptococcus thermophilus KB19 is comparable to Soil Bacterium Bacillus pasteurii and Genetically Engineered Urealytic E.coli VIEW
- Probiotics Extend Survival in Untreated 5/6 Nephrectomized Rats: Possible Use for Probiotics as An Adjunct in Chronic Renal Failure (CRF)® VIEW
- Probiotics to Eliminate Nitrogenous Metabolites VIEW
- A Novel Synbiotic for Augmenting Kidney Function VIEW
- Urea Hydrolysis and Ammonia Uptake by Bacillus pasteurii VIEW
- Urease Activity in Commercial Yogurt VIEW
- Bacillus pasteurii: A Small Microbe with Huge Potential VIEW
- A Nutraceutical Approach to Pre-Dialysis VIEW
- Viability of Probiotics in Gastric Juice and Artificial Intestinal Fluid VIEW
- Gut Based Uremia Therapy: Simultaneously Eliminate Urea, Creatinine and Uric Acid. VIEW