Kibow Biotech Inc: A new initiative is launched to mark World Kidney Day 2016

World Kidney Day 2016 – The Lancet and the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) are launching an online campaign to raise awareness of acute and chronic kidney diseases and bring together the best available evidence to inform strategies to reduce the national, regional and global burden of the disease and its risk factors.

International Society of Nephrology

ISN-World Kidney Day 2016

Chronic kidney disease affects 10% of the population worldwide and that number is growing. Acute kidney injury, which affects 30 million people globally, can cause death or lead to chronic kidney disease. Only 10% of those who need renal replacement have access to treatment. Moreover, though quite preventable and treatable, kidney disease often goes unrecognized by doctors, patients, and healthcare decision makers.

The campaign is hosted on The Lancet website and aims to bring together research, expert commentaries and analysis on acute kidney injury (AKI), chronic kidney disease (CKD), dialysis and transplantation from across the journal’s database. It will also provide regular updates on advances in nephrology as well as expert commentaries and interviews on key health and policy issues relevant to kidney disease.

How can you help?

  • Visit the campaign website
  • Disseminate the link of the campaign as widely as possible (
  • Post the campaign link and any comments on social media. If you do, please use the following tags: #LancetKidney #Kidneydisease

Kibow Biotech welcomes and fully supports this awareness initiative. For over a decade, Kibow has been one of the leading champions of the probiotic applications in kidney disease, with its dietary supplement Renadyl™ with pharma-like validation.

Kibow BiotechAbout Kibow Biotech

Kibow Biotech
Kibow Biotech is a biotechnology company founded in 1997, based in suburban Philadelphia and specializing in the development and commercialization of scientifically-formulated and clinically-tested probiotic dietary supplements. Kibow specializes in probiotic supplements for maintaining kidney health and boosting the immunity of the geriatric population by restoring their intestinal microflora. Established to help fight these rapidly growing health risks, Kibow provides the highest quality non-drug dietary supplements at affordable prices.